Beyond Highstones

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Admin Auditions
Shortstar 6 567 by Passionstar
Mar 1, 2009 19:20:23 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Advertisement- Contest
Shortstar 2 314 by Shortstar
Mar 1, 2009 18:13:57 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Remebering Silence
Chyme- Searcher of Stars 9 234 by Lightning
Apr 17, 2009 14:25:35 GMT -5


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Board Description
Beyond Highstones
This is the beyond. Anything that is out there, the clans have no record of. It mostly consists of some farms and a long ways past that are the mountains that the tribes reside in. But if you dare go that far, be prepared. There are many predators. Including the massive Sharptooth, as the tribes refer to him has. The farms between highstones and the mountains are dotted with animals here and there, but mostly they are full of crops and large grassy areas, perfect for WindClan but none other. Becareful not to get trampled by a horse.
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